Here are the pictures to go along with the post below. Again I have no idea why it wouldn't let me upload the pictures with it to begin with, but whatever.

The smaller looking pirate ship

John, Frances, & Valerie Malley

Me, Frances, and Valerie

Ann Marie & Alex

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Miller

Coronado Beach - You can kind of see how cold it was by Todd's facial expression
Obviously I took many more pictures at the zoo and we saw many more animals, but these were the ones I liked the best - whether because of the animal or picture itself.

I want one of these really bad

I thought these were prairie dogs, but I was wrong ... I can't remember what they are

This cheetah seemed to have a thing for a little boy that was beside us. Whenever the little boy moved, the cheetah moved with him almost as though he wanted to eat him

Grizzly - look at those teeth!

Sloth Bear - doesn't he look cute with those droopy ears!

This little monkey decided to drink straight from the spout instead of the water bowl he was sitting on

This guy kept biting off pieces of carrot then spitting it out

Mountain lion - doesn't look so scary here

He may not look like it, but he really is HUGE

Pretty lion

Venus Fly Trap

I can't remember what these are ....

This monkey's arms are so long I can't get all of them in one picture!

The smallest gorilla went over there and would not leave. He finally got the attention of one of the medium size gorillas and he came over too. We never did figure out what they were looking for over there.

"Hey! Over here, throw me some food!!"

Silly Chimps


Baby Panda

And the last picture .....

Our awesome rental car for the whole weekend