Monday, July 26

Day 1

I haven't completely figured out if this is going to work or not, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Today I completed Day 1 training for running a half marathon. My goal is the run the Denver Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon on October 17th. I'm following Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training Program for the Novice. The first two weeks are exactly the same. Here's the schedule:

Monday: Stretch & Strengthen
Tuesday: 3 mile Run
Wednesday: 2 mile Run or Cross-training
Thursday: 3+ mile Run & Strengthen
Friday: Rest
Saturday: 30 min. Cross-training
Sunday: 4 mile Run

I'm not really worried about the first two weeks of training. It seems pretty basic. I don't think I'll have any problems with the workouts. Well, I take that back ... I might have a problem with finding the motivation to do the workouts. I'm really hoping that since I have made it a goal to do the half marathon that will be motivation enough.

The one thing that sucks about starting it this week is that its finally Cheyenne Frontier Days!! It also happens to be my last CFD. Ideally I'd like to live it up and get the complete CFD experience, but since I'm starting this training program it might not be such a good idea. Translation .... I might have to cut down on all the carnival food that I planned on eating. Boo. Instead of eating the turkey leg, potato spiral, funnel cake, and drinking many beers I might have to cut out the turkey leg. According to the BestLife program at work the turkey leg ALONE is 1700 calories. Its a shame that those turkey legs are just so dang good!!! BestLife also said that I could eat a potato spiral, funnel cake, and a giant corn dog and still be under the calorie amount of the turkey leg. Too bad I don't like corn dogs enough to eat one on any other day besides National Corn Dog Day. Hopefully I can resist all the temptations of Frontier Days! Keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, July 18

Adam Towler Memorial 5k

This weekend I ran in my second 5k. It was the Adam Towler Memorial 5k/10k in Laramie, WY. Its put together by my friend Sarah Towler. The run is a memorial to her brother who's life was tragically cut short on Juy 16th, 2006 in Laramie. The race proceeds will benefit the Adam Towler Foundation and the Boston Children's Hospital.

This is not the first time I've participated in this race, last year I walked the 5k. This year is the first time I've actually run it .... and boy did I run it!! I'm not sure the exact number of participants, but I think there was somewhere around 120 or so. I placed 23rd overall and 2nd in my category (female 25-29). I ran it in 27:45!!! I'm pretty excited about it as if you couldn't tell.

Here's me with my 2nd place medal

My next run on the list is the Boulder Muddy Buddy, Aug. 15th. Its a partner run/bike/obstacle course race that covers 7 miles. My partner is Sue (my running buddy from the Super Day 5k). It sounds like we'll see some pretty interesting people in costumes, do some running, some biking, get muddy, and have a ton of fun!!!!

Lastly, I'm not really sure but I think I was possibly persuaded to do a 1/2 marathon in October. It would be the Rock n' Roll Denver Half on October 17th. I'm going to start the training and see how it goes before I decide one way or the other. I'll keep you posted!

Friday, July 16


Its official ... or as official as it can be with the military. We are moving to GERMANY!!!!! I so stinkin' excited!!!!! We move to Little Rock in October and then Germany by the end of March. WOO HOO YEAH!!! Everyone can start planning for their visits now!!!!!

Wednesday, July 14

Crap TV

I would say that The Hills qualifies as being "crap tv", but let me be honest ... I love that show! I'm so sad that its over! Although I will say that the show just wasn't as good as when Lauren was on it. It just hasn't been the same without her. I knew that Lauren would never come back, but I always secretly wished she would. Like I said, it just wasn't the same without her. I think because she hasn't been on it the past year or so the end to The Hills will be alot easier to get over.

The other night I was flipping through the guide to see what was on and I came across OchoCinco's dating show. Now if this isn't crap tv I don't know what is. The sad part is that I watched the whole episode and now have the series DVR'd. (I think this is part of my Hills mourning process.) I'm not saying that this is even close to worth my time to watch, but oh well. Somehow I got sucked in. I think its because its OchoCinco. Before Dancing with the Stars the only thing I knew about him was that he played for the Bengals, changed his name for I don't know what reason, and I assumed he was super cocky. After watching Dancing with the Stars I became a huge fan of him ... at least on that particular show. I thought that even though he wasn't as good of a dancer as some of the others he always put in 100%. Not to mention I thought he was super funny!!! Actually come to think of it I really think its the funny, who really cares about the 100% crap.

I hate to say it, but OchoCinco's dating show isn't my only newly found crap tv. I also started DVRing Jersey Couture. It isn't a bad show, but it isn't great either. I really think the only reason why I'm watching it is to pass the time. I only started DVRing the series last week. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for me I just saw a commercial saying the season finale is next week. It appears that I've missed the whole season. After watching the latest two episodes I started thinking about my proms. I think my junior year dress was less than $100 and my senior year was about $100. There is no way that my parents would have allowed me buy a prom dress from that store! This store has prom dresses that cost as much as my wedding dress!!!!! Holy crap.

I happen to watch a couple of other crap shows: Tori & Dean - Home Sweet Hollywood, Guiliana & Bill, Pretty Wild, and I might even start to watch the T.O. Show (because it comes on after OchoCinco's show). At least I can say I've never watched Jersey Shore. Yuck.

If you are looking for some good tv I've got some for you. USA has awesome shows on this summer, my favorites are White Collar (1st) and Royal Pains (2nd). Its awesome because its all new episodes for both shows, but sadly I can't watch them without Toddy since I promised I wouldn't. He loves them too. CBS in the fall/spring has: NCIS & The Good Wife. Last but not least NBC - Parks & Recreation, The Office, & 30 Rock (aka Thursday tv).

Clearly I've started watching ALOT more tv since Toddy left. You can just call me Mrs. Couch Potato.

Wednesday, July 7

Day Off

Today was my day off which has turned out to be pretty awesome. I've even been a smidge productive! It started with sleeping in til about 9a with the most ideal weather to sleep in. Today's high is 54 with on and off misting. The sad part is that its basically mid-July. After laying around the house for a little while I decided to get moving. So I ran a couple of errands going to Walgreens, Wal-Mart, and Bed, Bath, & Beyond. After all that I came back home and finished all my wedding thank you notes. I think that in itself proves just how productive I've been today. I must admit that I only had 3 more to write so it wasn't too hard. Since then I've just been catching up on laundry & General Hospital, I've finally made it into June's episodes. Now all I have to do is conquer All My Children dating back to March. Needless to say I've gotten a little behind in my soaps. I guess that's what days off are for! Other than there hasn't been alot to do today.

I figured that since I don't have anything better to do for the rest of the day I would post some funny pictures of Todd. All these pictures are from a couple of days before Todd left for deployment. Todd was in the process of buzzing his hair and he hadn't done a very good job. Luckily I took over .... after I took the pictures!! Love you Toddy.

He looks kinda creepy!!