Wednesday, August 11


Its been awhile since I've updated the blog, so I thought I would give it a go.

Somehow I was convinced into signing up for the Denver Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon. I think I might have been temporarily insane when I did that. But, since then I've been pretty committed to this training program. Since the beginning of August I've run just over 19 miles. I don't know if I've ever ran that much in my life!! But, soon it will be even more.

My biggest problem with this new found activity is that I absolutely HATE to stretch. Well, hate is a strong word. Its more like I just don't like to do it. There's no real reason behind it, I just don't want to bother with stretching. For some reason I've never been one to stretch when doing physical activity on my own. Growing up when I did some sort of organized activity (volleyball, softball, ballet, etc.) I would stretch, but because it was forced on me. I know that you should always stretch, but I never really did until now. I've been reading a lot of articles about running and I came across one that was about different stretches. I decided to try them. The stretches that I did turned out to be pretty good. I'm not even sure I got half way through them until I found one that I didn't feel anything stretching (OR maybe I was doing it wrong ... this is probably more likely). Once I came across that one I stopped doing the stretches. (I'm making myself feel better about stopping early by saying "Lifestyle changes don't happen over night.") I will say that I found the hip flexor and hip adductor stretches to be awesome. My right hip on occasion feels funny. For lack of a better way to describe it I call it being "ajar" or simply out of place. I have absolutely no idea what the specific trigger is expect its something to do with physical activity. It also likes to pop a lot. I blame all of my hip weirdness on 13 some odd years of ballet. Anyways, now that I've just rambled on and on .... here's the website for the stretches:

I've always heard that as a runner you should watch for cars because they don't watch for you. I generally try to run on the sidewalk against the flow of traffic. If I'm even unsure that a car doesn't see me I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS run around the backside. Yesterday was my first encounter with almost getting it by a car. I was lucky enough that the car was stopped to begin with and I was watching out for myself. I don't even think I was half a mile into my run when it happened. It was the Domino's delivery guy as he was leaving Domino's. I thought he had seen me so I started to cross. Turns out I was wrong. I figured this out when he was slowly rolling his car into the intersection. Considering that he was close to hitting me, lets hope that he delivered the pizza in the 30 minutes or less!! Unfortunately for me I saw him turning back into Domino's, thank goodness he beat me with about a block in between us.

Besides all my training I haven't really done my else. I've mostly been rotting my brain by watching too much tv. I'm still trying to catch up on my All My Children. I've just made it to August ... finally.

Some other exciting news ... Todd should be home in less than 1 month!!! And I'm done at work in 41 days (total) with only 25 more of actual working, but who's counting.

Lastly, the Muddy Buddy is this weekend on Sunday. I'm super excited. I should hopefully have some pictures to post!!

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