Sunday, December 12

We don't care about your pets

"The Air Force doesn't care about pets" is what someone actually said to us.

On Friday we got a call in our hotel TLF room (first one ever I might add) saying that they are going to be doing renovations on our side of the TLF starting Jan. 13th. Translation = we are getting kicked out of our room. They told us that we could be moved to another TLF on base, but we weren't allowed to have pets. That doesn't do us any good especially since they won't pay to have the cats boarded. I was pretty irritated that they are only giving us a month's notice, but I guess that's better than nothing. Lucky for me Todd was level headed and starting to think about what we needed to do to get another place so he made a call to the Landings at Little Rock. The Landings at Little Rock is just a fancy word for on base housing. He was on the phone with them for about 20 minutes and then we were out the door to fill some paper work out. The woman we talked to said we were really lucky and she had a couple of possible houses we could live in. There is one that we can definitely move into on Monday its a 3 bedroom and that's about all we know about it. We didn't get to see inside since someone is currently living there (until Monday). There was another one that we got to look at but someone else is suppose to be getting it. We both really liked the one that the other person is supposed to get, but the woman we talked said if they didn't show up by noon on Monday it could be ours. It might be bad to say but we are both really hoping the other people don't show up or don't want it. This is a considerably nicer house - its a 2 bedroom plus an office, newly renovated, and more importantly cheaper. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Even though it sucks to be moving again (not even 2 months ago we moved down here), I'm actually pretty excited. This will be our first house!!! I have never lived in a house that wasn't my parents house. From my days at Auburn until the present I have only lived in apartments. I can't wait to live in a house .... even if it really isn't ours and its on base!! I told Todd I wanted to have a house warming party once we moved in. His response was we don't have any friends down here. I said sure we do - the Courtrights, the Millers, the Sanders, the Youngs (minus Laura), John Young, and Ryan Hendrickson. As far as I'm concerned that's enough for a house warming party.

I'll post again with an update once we move and get everything settled (again).

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