Wednesday, April 6

Honey Roasted Red Potatoes

We are getting back into the swing of things, so I've started cooking nightly again.  Last night I made 2 new recipes - Oregano Chicken and Honey Roasted Red Potatoes.   The Oregano chicken came out bland to me but I think it was because I used chicken that wasn't skinless.   The Honey Roasted Red Potatoes in Todd's words "they were pan fried onion sweetness" and in my words "freakin' awesome!"  I thought everyone deserves to be a part of this goodness so here's the recipe:

Note 1: I got this recipe off of and in no way am I smart or talented enough to come up with this recipe.

Note 2: I currently don't have access to any table/teaspoons, so all my measurements were straight from my eyeball.  I'm also pretty limited in what I have that can go in the oven as far as dishes are concerned.

Note 3: My changes to the recipes with be in ( ) & italized beside the true recipe.

Honey Roasted Red Potatoes

1 lb. red potatoes, quartered         No idea what kind of potatoes I used, but they look red
2 Tbsp diced onion
2 Tbsp butter, melted
1 Tbsp honey                               I'm pretty sure I used more than 1 Tbsp
1 tsp dry mustard                         I used regular liquid dijon mustard
Pinch of salt
Pinch of ground black pepper       Omitted this

~ Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.  Lightly coat an 11x7" baking dish with nonstick cooking spray.
    I didn't use cooking spray or the correct size dish.

~ Place potatoes in a single layer in prepared dish, and top with onion.   In a small bowl, combine melted butter, honey, mustard, salt, and pepper; drizzle over potatoes and onions.
    I just now realized I was supposed to add the onions separately, so needless to say I added all my ingredients together before drizzling.

~ Bake for 35 minutes or until tender, stirring halfway through the cooking time. 
    I didn't stir which made my potatoes on top have a nice crispiness.

Serving size: 4     Calories: 156

Now that I'm going through and adding all my changes I'm seeing that I really didn't follow the directions of this recipe very well.   But, since they turned out awesome it doesn't really matter.   

ENJOY!!!   I know we did!!

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